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About me


I was born in Moss, Norway, and grew up in Oslo.

I studied at Oslo University (musicology, theatre, history,

pedagogy). Additional studies in musical composition private, and at Norges Musikkhøgskole. 


I worked as a freelance composer, instrumentalist, film critic, film archivist and in broadcasting until August 1994 when I got a job as an assistant professor of music at Hedmark, University College, Hamar, Norway.


I worked as an associate professor at the same institution teaching MIDI technology, composition, global music, Norwegian folk music, and film- and game composition until August 2021, when I retired.

I play the military drum, specializing in Norwegian trommeslåtter, in addition to tuned percussion, the Hardanger fiddle, violin, viola, kantele, Nordic bagpipe, sallow flute, jaws harp, and instruments of the guitar family. 

© 2024 by Bjørn Sverre Kristensen

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